No More Holding Yourself Back

One of the most frustrating things for guitarists is struggling to transition between two chords fast enough to keep up with their strumming hand (and keep up with the song). Learn the tricks to transition between chords in the fastest way possible.

The Tricks

This course is designed to show you multiple tricks to train yourself to move from one chord to the next in the most efficient way. Learn the tricks to tap into muscle memory and strengthen finger control and dexterity when it comes to changing between chords.

Step-By-Step Instruction

Learn at your own pace with step-by-step instruction.

Clear Close-Ups

Easily see where every finger is placed with clear close-up shots.

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Trick 1: 1 Finger At A Time
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Trick 2: Anchor Finger
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Trick 3: Common Fingers
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Trick 4: Common Frets
Available in days
days after you enroll

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Meet Your Instructor

Hi, I'm Caitlin and I'm excited to help you on your guitar journey.

With over 15 years of teaching experience and performing at a professional level, I want to help you reach your guitar playing goals. 

In an oversaturated market with complex and confusing guitar lesson videos, I am here to make your life easier. 

Learn what you need, to do what you want.

Let's get to playing.